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SecondPlaces Plenary October


The leader of our finance group, Greg Salter, will be sharing principles of personal financial management. Sound stewardship of resources is evidence of faith in God’s provision and can be part of a Christian’s testimony to their colleagues, while poor financial management can make choices like theft, bribery or corruption seem necessary in order to get out of difficult situations. How Christians manage their money matters!

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The Finance Vocational Group will be hosting a special session on Friday 11 October, to which all members of the Church are invited.

The leader of our finance group, Greg Salter, will be sharing principles of personal financial management. Sound stewardship of resources is evidence of faith in God’s provision and can be part of a Christian’s testimony to their colleagues, while poor financial management can make choices like theft, bribery or corruption seem necessary in order to get out of difficult situations. How Christians manage their money matters!

The event starts at 18:30, and the Cost is R100pp, which includes dinner.

If you would like to pay cash on the evening, please email to book your place.


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